07 April 2012

How many Social Networks is enough? & which one to use?

19/4/2012 Update: Mashable have a link to a wonderful infographic on which social network should you use? Covers Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+.

So, now I need to decide which social network to use for which purpose. I've been finding lately that I want to move away from Facebook as a business tool. I'm preferring Facebook for personal use although I do have a Facebook page (Office Administration Worker - used primarily for training and assessment of business administration trainees); Twitter and LinkedIn have been fantastic sources professional development, connecting with experts in my fields of interest.

What's your favoured social network and why?

I just read that Pinterest is now the No. 3 Social Network in the US behind Facebook and Twitter. This caused me to wonder how many social networks do we need or want to use?

Currently I use Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Picasa, Flickr, Delicious, Blogger, WordPress, Social Learning Centre, Mighty Bell and LinkedIn. I'm not necessarily a regular on all of these networks but I am an everyday user of Facebook, Blogger and Twitter.

I found this website: Entrepreneur which doesn't provide a definitive answer. It does say that managing your social networks is key. So depending on what, where, when, how and why will see one using some social networks over others.

I also found on Wikipedia a list of social networks - a bit mind boggling

Just counted: 11 social networks ....

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