02 July 2012

Making the most of social media

I have moved out of training and development. One of my new roles is to maintain relevant information on the website and to maintain and coordinate branch social media operations - very excited about this.

As a pre-cursor to my online work I've been reading and gathering likely sources of information/knowledge and in the process developed this:

What prompted this mapping was information from the Fundraising Authority. It really hit a cord with me. What do you think?

My Personal Learnings ....

I have started using Delicious. I didn't realise what the feed did until yesterday. What a great way to gather Tweets of interest along with links to peruse at my leisure.  Yesterday, I spent time exploring a little more Delicious and this was my find. The Feed (once set up) lists all my Tweets, Re-Tweets, Favourites and how fabulous to go to Delicious to search the re-tweets and favourites to read, absorb and learn.

What's your favourite find?