11 September 2011

Social learning is not social media in learning

I read this article today.  I've found Jane Hart's website and blog very informatitve: Key Social Learning Resources.
... now with the emergence of social media, the term “social leaning” is also being used to describe the use of social media in learning. However, it is much more than just applying it within the formal learning context.
I'm loving the changes that Web2.0 technologies have wrought not only in my social world but also in my work life.  Over to you, what do you think?

10 September 2011

I received a notification from one of my LinkedIn Groups - Australian VET Leaders regarding frequently asked questions on VET qualifications.  I found it to be very useful and thought it worth sharing.

05 September 2011

Blended Learning Research

I started a post graduate course in online learning but found I prefer to learn in a more practical way.  The links below were the beginnings of research material for the first essay.  I've been keeping them but today I've decided to publish!  All these links relate to blended learning.

Building effective blended learning programs

Achieving success with blended learning

Use of traditional and elearning components in a blended learning environment

Learning is Social

How Disruptive Innovation is Remaking the University

Supporting eLearning Opportunities

Social Networking Sites and Our Lives & Keith Hampton

My workplace is beginning to explore the best options for delivering eLearning/blended learning.  The above links provide me with some good material to use in helping my workplace make a decision.